Tango Extend – Value and Carbon Savings Calculator

At Tango Networks, we believe in creating great value for our partners and customers through the products and services we offer.

Telephony hardware costs have not moved much in the fixed communications world, but in the mobile domain, increasing consumer use of photography, audio and apps has pushed up the costs of ownership considerably. Businesses have had to endure escalating costs to provide employees with the latest iPhone and Android smartphones, some of which are only used to make voice calls.

By leveraging the latest eSIM technology and supporting the evolving BYOD and mobile device capability, we offer the same functionality as company provided mobile devices, but at a fraction of the cost.

Our research shows how much current communications infrastructure is costing you. Tango Extend can save over 50% of these costs while improving your carbon footprint

Please use our calculator below to see how much of your existing communications costs you can take out of the business, while driving mobile UC further into your workforce. All this while maintaining total control of all business calls to and from personal mobile phones which your employees and contractors use.

Environmental Benefits

There are other benefits as well. Each mobile device uses 75Kg of carbon in its lifetime – and also uses precious and rare metals in the construction.

See how you can improve your ESG score and reduce your carbon footprint by reducing  the number of office deskphones, ports and company provided mobiles.

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance.

Investors are increasingly applying these non-financial factors as part of their analysis process to identify material risks and growth opportunities.

Value Calculator

Average cost of each company mobile per year (hardware and service) is estimated at $900
This shows the cost of desk phones per year. Average cost of supporting an office desk phone per year $26.
Average cost of claiming mobile expenses per year is $480
Total Current Annual Costs of Mobiles and Desk Phones
Cost of Tango Extend SIM & business calls & SMS per year $240
Cost of Tango Extend eSIM & business calls & SMS per year $240
Total New Annual Cost of Mobiles and Desk Phones


Annual Cost Savings

Carbon Totals

Annual Carbon Savings

Carbon Totals

Annual Current Carbon Usage

Total Annual New Carbon Usage

Average cost of each company mobile per year (hardware and service) is estimated at £720
This shows the cost of desk phones per year. Average cost of supporting an office desk phone per year £21.
Average cost of claiming mobile expenses per year is £384
Total Current Annual Costs of Mobiles and Desk Phones£ 
Cost of Tango Extend SIM & business calls & SMS per year £180
Cost of Tango Extend eSIM & business calls & SMS per year £180
Total New Annual Cost of Mobiles and Desk Phones£ 


Annual Cost Savings

Carbon Totals

Annual Carbon Savings

Carbon Totals

Annual Current Carbon Usage

Total Annual New Carbon Usage

Contact Us

Please get in touch if you have any specific empirical data you would like to use for the calculator.

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